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Check out the Blog Archives to read about our cross country motorcycle road trip from MA to CA in the summer of 2011. During that trip we attended the Annual 2011 National Women On Wheels® Ride-In in San Jose CA. Then we just rode. We traveled over 11,000 motorcycle miles in what ever direction we wanted to go for 61 days. We visited friends and family, saw the country, met some amazing people. We made memories we'll never forget. These memories are what THIS BLOG is made of! That was only the beginning. We've been traveling and riding and blogging every since then. Enjoy our stories while we make MORE memories worthy of posting here for your enjoyment.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Race Track In The Snow

Cooper gets his very own race track in the snow in the back yard.

This allows him not only to be able to find good places to pee,

but also great room to run when the mood strikes.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Guys And Their Tools

Cooper has to get in the middle of everything.

The guys were checking out some tools and in conversation about side jobs and such.

Cooper hopped right into the tool trailer and looked at the guys as they talked.

Friday, March 29, 2019


I'm a collage person.  I love them.  

Today this came up on FB as a memory, and I just liked how it looked with all these pictures set up together.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Outside With Ibbie

One day when we were at work, Ibbie needed to go out.

Ibbie lives in the house where we work.

She is usually in a different part of the house.

But this day they got to spend about 15 minutes outside together.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

After The Rain

After the rain but still wet out...

Cooper needed to go out again.

I think he just wanted to go out and smell the smells he smelled before.

He was in no hurry to come in AGAIN.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Cooper In The Rain

Cooper has to go outside to go to the bathroom.

Sometimes he goes out and back in as fast as he can.

Sometimes he doesn't care if he gets soaking wet.

I think sometimes he likes the wet smells better than the dry ones.

Either way... this is my view because I'm not going out there in the pouring rain.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Christmas Gift From Linda - Video

I had some difficulty with my blog last month.  I had tried to post a video the day after another blog post that goes along with the video.

It was of when my friend Linda gave him a Christmas gift.  Their were cute pictures then the next day I want to post this video. So, here is that video of Cooper opening his gift from Linda.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

My New Great Grand Son Kai

This is our reason why we wanted to go to NY this time.

My grand daughter had this beautiful boy.

His name is Kai... and he's beautiful!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Not The Usual Visit With Opie And Cash

When we go to NY, Opie and Cash are always there for a good time.

Cooper is game for all manner of play with them.

But there is another reason for this particular visit.

Look at the left side of this picture.  See?

Friday, March 22, 2019

Dinner In The Hotel

Cooper usually has something from my dinner in his dinner.

Tonight... Pizza.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Arrived In NY Hotel

We arrived again in NY.

This time we're staying in a hotel.

This time it's easier than staying with family.

Watch over the next few days and you'll see why.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Cooper Finally Calmed Down In The Car

Cooper really has a difficult time in a car.

As you saw in the video in yesterday's blog post.

After a long time in the car...

With a lot of coaxing...

On our way to NY, which is about an 8 hour drive.

Cooper FINALLY calmed down and laid down to relax.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Cooper Doesn't Travel Well By Car

Here is a little bit of what Cooper is like in a car until he settles down.

It can take him an hour to settle down so he can get really wound up sometimes.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Whole Body Scratch - part 2

Here is a little video about yesterday's story.

Cooper really loves this so much.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Whole Body Scratch - part 1

Cooper loves to be scratched.

When Warren gets home Cooper will rub all over him.

I know this is in hopes that Warren return the favor and rub him back.

Nine times out of 10 Cooper will win.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Winter Boredom

We've been shut into the house due to cold weather here in Massachusetts.

Cooper loves to play hard a couple times per day.

With a little encouragement he'll run at top speed through all the rooms.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Tug O War With Sara

I love to get people who don't know I'm recording while they play with Cooper.

It gives you a good example of how no one fakes their love for him.  He's a truly lucky dog.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Rolling In The Snow At Andy's

Snow is snow.  He doesn't care where the snow is. If I allow him the time, he's going to do this.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Frozen Footsteps - Part 2

It's pictures like these that I'll print some day and frame.

His little paws are perfect.

These remind me of how much he loves the snow.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Frozen Food Steps - Part 1

Letting Cooper out after snow leaves some great foot prints.

I love his little feet.

Sometimes he comes in after a fresh snow with ice between his pads.

He limps and looks at me.  

He knows I know what's wrong and he knows I'll take care of it for him.