Cooper will ride anything with wheels. We know this. Well, it appears that he's happy to ride on people too.
My son was playing with my grandchildren giving them piggy-back rides. My oldest grandson Logan called them 'Uncle-Back rides'. He's so funny! So the kids were all taking turns getting Uncle-back rides while Cooper barked happily following them all over as my son crawled around with a child on his back.
I hadn't been paying too much attention. I was in the kitchen cooking our Christmas dinner. Logan came in Laughing his head off, pulling me to come see.
I guess when my son lowered down to let a little one off his back, Cooper jumped on.
So Nate rose up to his hands and knees and gave Cooper a ride too. As you can see, he's about as happy as he can get to have a turn at this fun ride.
too funny!