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Check out the Blog Archives to read about our cross country motorcycle road trip from MA to CA in the summer of 2011. During that trip we attended the Annual 2011 National Women On Wheels® Ride-In in San Jose CA. Then we just rode. We traveled over 11,000 motorcycle miles in what ever direction we wanted to go for 61 days. We visited friends and family, saw the country, met some amazing people. We made memories we'll never forget. These memories are what THIS BLOG is made of! That was only the beginning. We've been traveling and riding and blogging every since then. Enjoy our stories while we make MORE memories worthy of posting here for your enjoyment.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Blue Doo!

Cooper has great curls on the top of his head.  They are a collections of soft tight ringlets from his forehead  to the back of his head.  The hair on his ears and face is soft and straighter than the top of his head.  The hair starting at his neck and covering the rest of his body is courser than his face and somewhat frizzy rather than curly.

It was time for his spring haircut in 2010 when I decided to do something a little different.  I cut his hair short all over his body as I always did in the spring, but I left the hair on his head untouched.  I wanted to see what it would look like to leave those beautiful soft curls on his head.  This was quite a different look for  Cooper.  It was kind of 'punkish'.  The only problem was that this style kind of made him look like Lyle Lovett.  I wanted to see how it would look if it grew out for a couple of months.  This was the kind of 'different' that would set Cooper's looks apart from other dogs as much as his personality did.  He is definitely a unique little guy.  Yet something was still missing.

BLUE!!!  He needed color in his hair so it wouldn't look like a poor attempt at a poodle cut.  I struggled with myself over this idea.  I'm not one that likes foo-foo dogs.  I don't dress him up, though he does have clothes to help him keep warm and dry.  It really is against my nature, but I couldn't help myself.

Cooper seemed to enjoy the attention while I colored his hair tips blue.  The only part he didn't enjoy was the rinsing.  I had to hold him on his back to keep the color off his face.  He didn't like it but learned to relax fairly well, allowing me to rinse it well.

He seemed to understand that there was something different about him.  People would greet him with more excitement and they touched him more.

Jesse rolled his eyes about the blue hair at first.  He couldn't believe I actually did it.  I had expected him to tell me he wanted me to cut it off.  I was prepared for that, which is why I only did the tips of his hair and not his whole head.  Jesse didn't tell me to cut it off, so I had to ask, "What do you think?"

He said, "Well, I don't hate it."

We decided to keep the blue and see what the reactions would be from other people.  If it didn't go over well I would just cut it off.

I posted his Blue-Doo pictures on FaceBook to see what people's reactions would be.  Most comments were great.  People who know Cooper best thought it was very fitting to his personality.  So the Blue-Doo would stay, at least for the summer.  It became long like dreads and appeared to be a very spiky blue mop.  I loved how it looked at the end of the summer last year.  Unfortunately Cooper had a flea issue that got out of hand at the end of last summer.  It caused him to scratch so much that his hair do was all different lengths.  I had to cut it all off to treat his skin and conquer the itches.  

He has a good head start on the Blue-Doo for this year.  The hair on his head is a lot longer than it was for his spring cut last year.  It will only be a matter of weeks now before he gets his hair cut and then only shortly after that I will color it. 
I will post pictures of "Blue-Doo Returns".  Maybe that will be a blog entry.  Before - During and After pictures from Fluffy to Cool!  Great Idea!  Stay tuned! :0)